Environmental Policy


Founded in 2005, Hamlett Films (“the Company”)  finds innovative and beautiful ways of getting messages and stories across. Our belief is that strong working partnerships make great films, and we have long-standing relationships with many of our clients. 

In April 2022, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (“IPCC”) indicated limiting global warming to around 1.5°C requires greenhouse gas emissions to be reduced by 43% by 2030 and net zero by 2050. The report highlighted that failing to make deep and immediate reductions across all sectors would make limiting global warming to 1.5°C beyond reach. 

As a responsible business, we recognise that our operations and services have an impact on the environment and we are committed to minimising our negative impacts and improving our environmental performance. We consider this to be an essential part of responsible business practice.

Hamlett Films is committed to reviewing this policy annually to continue to improve the Company’s environmental performance, which the Company views as an integral part of its operations.

All employees and freelance production staff of Hamlett Films, temporary workers, consultants, contractors, agents and subsidiaries acting for, or on behalf of, the Company (“associated persons”) within the UK have a responsibility to ensure the aims and objectives of this policy are met within their area.

It is a priority to ensure that our productions are environmentally sustainable. We are continually exploring and implementing ways to lower the carbon emissions generated by our output, but crucially without affecting its quality. This means tackling practical, day-to-day challenges and spreading sustainable values throughout the production supply chain.

We have carried out an assessment of our environmental impacts and have identified our key environmental aspects to be travel and energy consumption. 

Our key corporate sustainability commitments are:

  • To comply with all applicable environmental legislation, regulations and approved codes of practice and to adopt environmental best practice 
  • To use a minimum amount of natural resources through the efficient use of energy, fuel, water and office supplies
  • To provide good recycling facilities and reduce waste by reusing or recycling as much as possible and aiming to completely phase out the use of zero single use plastics in operations, production and supply chain
  • Working towards a paperless office or, where paper is required, implement a recycled paper use only policy
  • Encouraging lights to be turned off when not in use by associated persons when in office and not automated
  • Working towards all Cleaning Products used in Company offices being ECO/ safe for aquatic life and environmentally friendly
  • Actively seek out and implement sustainable, lower-impact alternatives to using non-recyclable or single-use materials
  • To adopt new, more energy-efficient technologies as they become available 
  • To provide flexible working arrangements to mitigate daily commuting 
  • To provide our employees with training and information in order to raise environmental awareness internally and to encourage an environmentally aware culture within our business
  • Endeavour to use suppliers with a commitment to sustainability, responsible practices and green products where possible
  • Create a local crew database to reduce travel
  • Encourage train travel where possible as an alternative to air travel
  • Where airline travel is used to encourage use of sustainable airlines, as at 2023 being British

Airways, EasyJet, Virgin Atlantic, KLM, Delta Airlines, Cathay Pacific, Alaska Airlines, JetBlue and United Airlines

  • Where possible, connect with the local community by purchasing locally and independently
  • To communicate with interested parties on a regular basis on the progress of our environmental programme
  • To assess the ethical and environmental performance of our providers and to raise environmental awareness within it
  • To keep an eye on catering on set, to ensure that we don’t generate food waste, and are part of Olio’s Food Waste Heroes Programme, to share any spare food with people who need it
  • To engage with our local business community and facilitate networking with like-minded businesses
  • To make films that enhance the appreciation of social, ethical, educational and environmental issues that we believe in, with content that helps everyone understand and navigate the path to net zero and inspires them to make greener choices
  • To work with albert, the industry carbon calculator, to monitor energy and waste in the Company’s productions:
    • albert is a collaborative project backed by BAFTA, Pact, UK indies and broadcasters that provides the film and TV industries with the necessary expertise and opportunities to take action on environmental sustainability.
    • The project aims for all UK screen content to be made in a way that benefits individuals, industry organisations and the planet.
    • Its key objectives are:

– to reduce the environmental impact of the production process

– to enable industry organisations to realise the environmental aspect of their stated vision and its implication for audience engagement

  • The albert website has a number of tools and detailed information for producers to explore and use, to reduce the impact of their projects. This includes green production tips, a list of sustainable suppliers, costume directory, relevant legislation and case studies.
  • To monitor and review our performance against our measurable objectives and targets to ensure that we will continually improve
  • To allocate sufficient resources both internally and externally to support the achievement of these objectives

We will achieve these objectives through our sustainability action plan which will define measurable targets for improving our performance. This policy will be reviewed at least annually and updated as necessary.