“Big Local Connects”, Autumn 2021
“Big Local Connects” in Nottingham at the East Midlands Conference Centre with thousands joining online, brings together Local Trust participants from across the country. It’s a fun interactive session that will allow people to make new connections.
Hamlett Films are honoured to be premiering the brilliant and important stories from this year’s group of six mentees. The films and exhibitions will be exhibited constantly during the event: Big Local Storytellers.

Mentee Mutthu Karappan with his photography exhibition ‘The Joy of Gardening’
From 2019 to 2021 eighteen Big Local residents from across the country were helped to tell personal stories about their communities through mentoring and training provided by Hamlett Films. Final outputs took the form of films, photography series, podcasts and multimedia blogs.
From connecting up neighbourhoods around Southampton, to an arresting film about prejudice inherent in life in Littlemoor, to very real mental health and many other important issues of both concern and of celebration for communities across England.

HF mentor Elin Moe with mentee Mutthu Karappan at the Big Local Trust event
Hamlett Films’s own director and producer, Elin Moe, has been helping mentees learn how to tell their own important stories. “It was easy for us to say yes to this project,” notes HF CEO Sian Hamlett, “mentoring and education are central to our ethos – very simply, telling important stories and helping people learn.”
For a sneak peak at one of the films take a look here